In Which You Will Meet Doctor…Who?

The name of each person who features in my blog has been changed to protect the innocent, who after all did not expect their part in my life to be immortalised in writing. In the coming instalments, you will be introduced to The Doctor and His Companion, and their sons O and B.

Eight weeks after our arrival in Australia we were joined by this family from the UK, who we knew a little through our mutual interest in emigration to Australia. As it was now Easter, we had found them some affordable accommodation for their first few days, after they had previously torn their hair out in frustration at being unable to find somewhere that was both available and affordable. We furnished their fridge with essentials such as milk, cereal and tea bags (well, they were English people likely to fall victim to ’emigration shock’ – what else would we give them but tea?)

To preserve their identities, I shall call them The Doctor and Amy, since Amy was Doctor Who’s last Assistant at the time of writing. People who know them will find these names fitting, since one of them is highly educated and the other has proved herself to be feisty, loyal … and somewhat prone to speaking her mind. Sometimes with unintentionally hilarious consequences, it has to be said.

Their family arrived exhausted and with the barely-imperceptible look of ‘what-have-we-done’ panic in their eyes that only those who have trod the same path will recognise. We had a chat outside on their apartment balcony in the warm evening air, and invited them for an informal evening meal the next night.

And so begins another chapter of our lives in Australia…